rus in urbe

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

House n garden

Pachystegia insignis and tussocks I'm quite proud of this.
When we moved in in November 05 this was just bare earth, with only cat-scratch heaps for interest.
I wanted it to be natural looking with native tussocks and low shrubs. I'm quite ignorant about ornamental gardening, but I don't like the way NZ natives are everywhere seen in artificial geometric plantings, isolated in a desert of bark chips or gravel.
This has been evolving slowly, and it's not there yet. The taller plants here are: Libertia peregrinans, Pachystegia insignis, Carex testacea, Uncinia uncinata, Aristotelia fruticosa and Carex astonii. The groundcovers are: Leptinella calcarea, Acaena microphylla, Epilobium melanocaulon and Leptinella squallida 'Platt's Black'.